What should I do with my escrow surplus?

I’m trying to make a well-informed decision about our escrow surplus. I have about $2200 in surplus, which I can either cash out or apply toward my mortgage. Our mortgage is about $2945, and we want to get it closer to $2700, which is what it was a couple of years ago when we moved in. Applying the escrow surplus would bring it down to that amount.

I know others might say ‘pay down your high-interest rate,’ which is valid since we have about $1800 in credit card debt, but we have a solid plan to pay it off in about 2.5 months. We also have other debts like a personal loan of $8.4k, which are high interest. We want to eliminate this debt, but the thought of a lower mortgage is also appealing.

So, knowing what you financial experts know, what would you be more inclined to do?

I put my escrow surplus back into the escrow because you never know if next year’s taxes and insurance will go up.

If you have actual credit card debt, use it to pay that down.

Yani said:
If you have actual credit card debt, use it to pay that down.


Ty said:
Escrow surplus now is an escrow shortfall later. Believe me :cry:

The money isn’t going to sit there; they either cut you a check or apply it to the monthly payment.

Ty said:
Are you sure? How long ago did you buy? Sometimes it takes the county a year or more to reassess the property.

3 years ago. Yes, we have a surplus.

Pay down the highest rate debt first, almost always without exception.

You should have received an escrow analysis from your lender with estimated taxes and insurance. Compare the estimates vs actual payments.

Pay off your credit card debt. $2,200 isn’t a lot, and having $1,800 in credit card debt is very little. Why are you struggling with this small amount?

Luca said:
Pay off your credit card debt. $2,200 isn’t a lot, and having $1,800 in credit card debt is very little. Why are you struggling with this small amount?

The credit card debt is from holiday expenses. I usually pay off balances every month, but it was hard during the holidays.

Are you saying you think applying that to the mortgage will drop your payment $245 a month? What loan did you take out?

I like to apply any escrow overages to the principal.

Put it back in your escrow account.

Lian said:
Put it back in your escrow account.

If you’re going to do that, just apply it to the principal or stick it in a high-yield savings account.